Refund Policy
We can cancel your order before it's shipped out. Usually, it takes 24 hours for us to process your order in 1 or 2 business days. We can not cancel the order if it has already been shipped out.
How to return?
The Restnature Warranty is intended for defective parts/products. Any Restnature products have a 30-day money-back guarantee if you are not completely satisfied.
To begin a return process within 30 days of delivery, please reach out to our customer support team at
To confirm your return, please send your order number (e.g. #DM0001) to us and we will provide the return address for you to ship the product back.
Please contact us before starting a return, or it will be rejected by our warehouse and fulfillment centers.
Collapsible content
What item(s) is returnable?
- Item(s) must be in its original condition.
- Item(s) must be fully sealed and unopened.
- Item(s) is not damaged or altered in any way.
- Wrong or defective item(s) is delivered to you.
What is the non-returnable item(s)?
- Store Gift Card
- Heavy Discount Products (Over 50% Off)
Are there any charges for returns?
We do not provide return shipping labels.
Shipping on returns is not free. You are responsible for all postage and packaging fees.
Every product comes with a 6-month warranty. For any product within its warranty period, a free replacement product will be sent out in a timely manner.
How soon will I get my refund?
Once your return is received and inspected, we will process the refund and send you a notification via email.
The refund will be processed to the original payment method within 2 business days.
If I don't receive the refund, what can I do?
Please first check with your bank account and contact your credit card bank about your refund. It may take some time for them to process the refund.
If you still have not received your refund after doing all of the steps above, please contact us at
For any questions, feel free to contact our Customer Service Team. We will get back to you within 48 hours, Mon-Fri, 9AM - 6PM GMT.